Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Lost Sales Forecast

TERM- PAPER Lost Sales Forecast Table of Contents Introduction3 Carlson Department Store Sales data for September 1992 through August 19964 Countywide Department Stores Sales data for September 1992 through August 19965 Choosing the appropriate forecasting method6 Trend and Seasonal Components in Forecasting7 An estimate of lost sales for the Carlson Department Store10 Conclusion10 Introduction The Carlson Department Store suffered heavy damage when a hurricane struck on August 31, 1996. The store was closed for four months (September 1996 through December 1996) causing our sales drop to $0.The task of this report is to analyze sales in our department store in past 48 months and develop estimates of the lost sales at the Carlson Department Store for the months of September through December 1996. The Carlson Department Store is involved in a dispute with insurance company concerning the amount of lost sales during the time the store was closed. Two key issues must be resolved: 1) The amount of sales Carlson would have made if the hurricane had not struck, and 2) Whether Carlson is entitled to any compensation for excess sales from increased business activity after the storm.More than $8 billion in federal disaster relief and insurance money came into the county, resulting in increased sales at department stores and numerous other businesses. Carlson Department Store Sales data for September 1992 through August 1996 Certain conditions should be met by any good forecast. A good forecast should usually be based on adequate knowledge of the relevant past. With our company – The Carlson Department Store – we have the sales data for the 48 months preceding the storm available. This amount of historical data fulfills the requirement for the volume of relevant data.Table  1 shows the sales data for the Carlson Department Store for the months of September 1992 through August 1996. Table 1: Sales for Carlson Department Store [mil. $] |Month |1992 |1993 |19 94 |1995 |1996 | |February | |1. 80 |1. 89 |1. 99 |2. 28 | |March | |2. 03 |2. 02 |2. 42 |2. 69 | |April | |1. 99 |2. 23 |2. 45 |2. 48 | |May | |2. 32 |2. 39 |2. 57 |2. 3 | |June | |2. 20 |2. 14 |2. 42 |2. 37 | |July | |2. 13 |2. 27 |2. 40 |2. 31 | |August | |2. 43 |2. 21 |2. 50 |2. 23 | |September |1. 71 |1. 90 |1. 89 |2. 09 | | |October |1. 90 |2. 13 |2. 29 |2. 54 | | |November |2. 74 |2. 56 |2. 83 |2. 97 | | |December |4. 20 |4. 16 |4. 04 |4. 5 | | Series of numbers is often difficult to interpret. Graphing the observations can be very helpful since the shape of a complicated series is more easily discerned from a picture. The data for Carlson Department Store, as can be seen in Graph 1, indicate some seasonal fluctuations. It can be seen that the sales in last quarter are higher than in the first 3 quarters of a year, with the highest volume of sales in December. [pic] Countywide Department Stores Sales data for September 1992 through August 1996 The data for all department stor es in the county are summarized in Table 2.Table 2: Department Store Sales for the county [mil. $] |Month |1992 |1993 |1994 |1995 |1996 | |February | |48. 0 |48. 6 |45. 6 |51. 6 | |March | |60. 0 |59. 4 |57. 6 |57. 6 | |April | |57. 6 |58. 2 |53. 4 |58. 2 | |May | |61. 8 |60. 6 |56. 4 |60. 0 | |June | |58. 2 |55. 2 |52. 8 |57. 0 | |July | |56. 4 |51. |54. 0 |57. 6 | |August | |63. 0 |58. 8 |60. 6 |61. 8 | |September |55. 8 |57. 6 |49. 8 |47. 4 |69. 0 | |October |56. 4 |53. 4 |54. 6 |54. 6 |75. 0 | |November |71. 4 |71. 4 |65. 4 |67. 8 |85. 2 | |December |117. 6 |114. 0 |102. 0 |100. 2 |121. 8 | Sales of all department stores in the county, as can be seen from Graph 2, show similar seasonal fluctuations as sales of Carlson Department Store. pic] From the above graph one can also observe that in past 3 years (years 1993-1995) the volume of sales in the month of September went down, and slowly went up again in October and November and usually reached its peak in December. The unusual b ehavior in September 1996 pulls our attention. For the first time in 4 years history we observe that the sales volume in September compared to August sales went up by 11. 7 % whereas in September 1993 they were down by 8. 6%, in September 1994 down by 15. 3%, and in September 1995 actually down by 21. 8%.The question is why such a change occurred? And the answer is that more than $8 billion in federal disaster relief and insurance money came into the county, which resulted in these increased sales at department stores. Choosing the appropriate forecasting method There are many different forecasting methods. One of the challenges we had to face was to choose the right technique. Smoothing methods are appropriate for a stable time series. When a time series consist of random fluctuations around a long-term trend line, a linear equation may be used to estimate the trend.When seasonal effects are present, seasonal indexes can be computed and used to deseasonalize the data and to develop forecasts. When both seasonal and long-term trend effects are present, which is also the case of Carlson Department Store as well as the case of all department stores in the county, a trend line is fitted to the deseasonalized data; the seasonal indexes are then used to adjust the trend projections. Trend and Seasonal Components in Forecasting The procedure of forecasting the sales for months September through December 1996 (had there been no hurricane) for The Carlson Department Store is summarized in Table 3.Table 3: Procedure of forecasting sales for Sep. -Dec. 1996 |   |   |Sales |12-month |Centered |Seasonal |Deseasonalized | | | | |Moving |Moving |Irregular |Sales | | | | |Average |Average |Value | | |1992 |Sept. |1. 71 |- |- |- |2. 09 | |   |Oct. |1. 90 |- |- |- |1. 95 | |   |Nov. |2. 74 |- |- |- |2. 35 | |   |Dec. |4. 20 |- |- |- |2. 41 | |1993 |Jan. 1. 45 |- |- |- |1. 46 | |   |Feb. |1. 80 |- |- |- |2. 13 | |   |Mar. |2. 03 |- |- |- |2. 09 | |   |Apr. |1. 9 9 |- |- |- |2. 05 | |   |May |2. 32 |- |- |- |2. 24 | |   |June |2. 20 |- |- |- |2. 37 | |   |July |2. 13 |- |- |- |2. 28 | |   |Aug. |2. 43 |- |- |- |2. 2 | |   |Sept. |1. 90 |2. 24 |- |- |2. 32 | |   |Oct. |2. 13 |2. 26 |2. 25 |0. 95 |2. 18 | |   |Nov. |2. 56 |2. 28 |2. 27 |1. 13 |2. 19 | |   |Dec. |4. 16 |2. 26 |2. 27 |1. 83 |2. 38 | |1994 |Jan. |2. 31 |2. 26 |2. 26 |1. 02 |2. 32 | |   |Feb. |1. 89 |2. 33 |2. 29 |0. 82 |2. 23 | |   |Mar. |2. 02 |2. 34 |2. 33 |0. 87 |2. 08 | |   |Apr. |2. 23 |2. 34 |2. 34 |0. 5 |2. 30 | |   |May |2. 39 |2. 36 |2. 35 |1. 02 |2. 31 | |   |June |2. 14 |2. 36 |2. 36 |0. 91 |2. 30 | |   |July |2. 27 |2. 36 |2. 36 |0. 96 |2. 43 | |   |Aug. |2. 21 |2. 37 |2. 36 |0. 94 |2. 38 | |   |Sept. |1. 89 |2. 35 |2. 36 |0. 80 |2. 31 | |   |Oct. |2. 29 |2. 35 |2. 35 |0. 97 |2. 34 | |   |Nov. |2. 83 |2. 36 |2. 36 |1. 20 |2. 42 | |   |Dec. 4. 04 |2. 39 |2. 37 |1. 70 |2. 31 | |1995 |Jan. |2. 31 |2. 38 |2. 38 |0. 97 |2. 32 | |   | Feb. |1. 99 |2. 38 |2. 38 |0. 84 |2. 35 | |   |Mar. |2. 42 |2. 38 |2. 38 |1. 02 |2. 49 | |   |Apr. |2. 45 |2. 42 |2. 40 |1. 02 |2. 52 | |   |May |2. 57 |2. 44 |2. 43 |1. 06 |2. 48 | |   |June |2. 42 |2. 45 |2. 44 |0. 99 |2. 60 | |   |July |2. 40 |2. 47 |2. 46 |0. 7 |2. 57 | |   |Aug. |2. 50 |2. 49 |2. 48 |1. 01 |2. 70 | |   |Sept. |2. 09 |2. 51 |2. 50 |0. 84 |2. 55 | |   |Oct. |2. 54 |2. 53 |2. 52 |1. 01 |2. 60 | |   |Nov. |2. 97 |2. 55 |2. 54 |1. 17 |2. 54 | |   |Dec. |4. 35 |2. 56 |2. 55 |1. 70 |2. 49 | |1996 |Jan. |2. 56 |2. 58 |2. 57 |1. 00 |2. 57 | |   |Feb. |2. 28 |2. 61 |2. 59 |0. 88 |2. 69 | |   |Mar. |2. 9 |2. 63 |2. 62 |1. 03 |2. 77 | |   |Apr. |2. 48 |2. 65 |2. 64 |0. 94 |2. 55 | |   |May |2. 73 |2. 65 |2. 65 |1. 03 |2. 64 | |   |June |2. 37 |2. 67 |2. 66 |0. 89 |2. 55 | |   |July |2. 31 |2. 66 |2. 67 |0. 87 |2. 47 | |   |Aug. |2. 23 |2. 66 |2. 66 |0. 84 |2. 40 | |   |Total |   |   |   |   |113. 72 | Columns 1 and 2 represent al l the years and months.Column 3 shows the monthly sales data of Carlson Department Store. The first step of the deseasonalizing process is to calculate the moving averages. We had to decide how many observations to use in the moving average. One selection method is to calculate the mean error and the mean squared error of the differences between the actual data and the forecast. The series with the smallest squared error would be preferred. The Management Scientist results for the Carlson Department Store show that the 12-month moving average gives the smallest squared error. The 12-month moving average values are shown in the Column 4.If the number of data points in a moving average calculation is an even number, we need to center the moving average values to correspond to a particular time period, as we did in the calculations in Column 5. By dividing each time series observation by the corresponding centered moving average value, we could identify the seasonal-irregular effect in the time series. Column 6 summarizes the resulting seasonal-irregular values for the entire time series. By dividing each time series observation by the corresponding seasonal index, we remove the effect of season from the time series.Deseasonalized sales data are shown in Column 7 and a graph of the data (graph 3) is on the next page. The first step of the decomposition procedure has now been completed. The new series has eliminated the seasonality. The next step is to calculate the trend. The observation of the deseasonalized sales data of Carlson Department Store appears to indicate that a straight line would be most appropriate form of equation that would describe the trend. Graph 3: Deseasonalized sales data of Carlson Department Store [pic] Applying regression analysis we have arrived to this the linear trend equation: Tt = 2. 875 + 0. 0118t. The slope of 0. 0118 in the trend equation indicates that over past 4 years the Carlson Department Store has experienced an average gro wth in sales of about $0. 0118 per year. If we assume that the past 4-year trend in sales is a good indicator for the future, we can use the equation above to project the trend component of the time series. Substituting t = 49, 50, 51, and 52 into the equation we yield the deseasonalized sales of Carlson DS for September through December 1996. For September 1996 we get $2. 67 mil, for October 1996 $2. 68, November 1996 $2. 9 and for December 1996 $2. 70. In order to apply the seasonal effects we multiply these projected deseasonalized sales by the relevant seasonal indexes calculated in Table 4. Table 4: Seasonal Indexes |Month |Seasonal-Irregular Component Values |Seasonal | | | |Index | |Jan. |- |0. 63 |0. 64 |0. 65 |0. 69 |0. 65 | |Feb. |- |0. 78 |0. 80 |0. 81 |0. 87 |0. 82 | |March |- |1. 12 |1. 11 |1. 4 |1. 06 |1. 11 | |April |- |1. 00 |1. 01 |0. 99 |1. 02 |1. 01 | |May |- |1. 04 |1. 03 |1. 03 |1. 03 |1. 03 | |June |- |0. 99 |0. 97 |0. 97 |0. 98 |0. 98 | |July |- |0. 96 |0. 92 |0. 98 |0. 98 |0. 96 | |Aug. |- |1. 07 |1. 09 |1. 10 |1. 02 |1. 07 | |Sep. |- |0. 98 |0. 93 |0. 88 |1. 05 |0. 96 | |Oct. |- |0. 90 |0. 8 |0. 99 |1. 03 |0. 98 | |Nov. |1. 00 |1. 02 |1. 00 |1. 04 |1. 00 |1. 01 | |Dec. |1. 47 |1. 45 |1. 41 |1. 37 |- |1. 43 | An estimate of lost sales for the Carlson Department Store By multiplying the projected deseasonalized sales by the relevant seasonal indexes calculated in Table 4 we will arrive to the levels of sales for months September 1996 through December 1996 had there been no hurricane: September 1996 $2. 19 mil. October 1996$2. 62 mil November 1996 $3. 14 mil December 1996$4. 1 mil The above-described procedure for forecasting sales for Carlson Department Store can be applied to countywide department stores too. It would give following results: The estimated countywide department store sales had there been no hurricane (and no disaster relief money) for September 1996 is $46. 65 mil, for October 1996 $51. 22, for November 1996 $64. 4, and for December 1996 $99. 3. Comparing these figures to the actual sales of the countywide department stores one can see that the actual sales are over-valuated. I attribute this to the $8 billion of disaster relief money.Had the county department stores not received the disaster relief money they would probably continue their downward trend described by function Y = 63. 64 – 0. 13t. The slope of –0. 13 in the trend equation indicates that over past 4 years countywide department stores have experienced an average decline in sales of about $0. 13 per year. Conclusion The task of this report was to resolve two key issues. 1. Estimate the amount of sales Carlson would have made if the hurricane had not struck. We have come to a conclusion that the sales for September 1996 had there been no hurricane would be $2. 9 mil, in October 1996 it would be $2. 62 mil, in November 1996 it would be $3. 14 mil and in December 1996 it would be $4. 71 mil. 2. Find out whether Carlson is e ntitled to any compensation for excess sales from increased business activity after the storm. More than $8 billion in federal disaster relief and insurance money came into the county, resulting in increased sales at department stores and numerous other businesses. Based on our estimates we strongly believe that the countywide department stores would made much lower sales haven’t they received the relief money.Therefore we believe that our department store is entitled to compensation for excess sales from increased business activity after the hurricane and we will inquire the insurance company to cover our lost sales for months September through December 1996 in the amount of $12. 66 mil. †¢ Reference: †¢ Keat, P. G. , Young, K. Y. : Managerial Economics. Economic tools for today’s decision makers. 3rd edition. †¢ Anderson, D. R. , Sweeney, D. J. , Williams, T. A. : Quantitative Methods for Business. 8th edition. †¢ Barr, Richard. Southern Methodist University. â€Å"The Appeal of Network Models†. 1997. 5 Feb 1997.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Customer Service Essay

Handout In this Session, you have learned about: The principles, policies and procedures of your organisation How your organisation communicates its principles to employees Your organisation’s policies and codes of practice Consultations on changes to principles, policies and procedures Issues of public concern relating to your industry and organisation. Principles, policies and procedures Principles are the foundation of a system of beliefs within an organisation. Principles are the philosophy of the organisation, illustrating how the organisation ‘thinks’. A policy is a definite course of action adopted by an organisation, which guides employees and helps them put principles into practice. Customer service policies are similar in many organisations, but some may be tailored to fit your organisation’s specific principles. A procedure is a series of steps to be followed to correctly answer the telephone, deal with complaints, give refunds etc. Organisations tend to have their own specific procedures. Communicating principles to employees An organisation may communicate its principles to employees in the following ways: The recruitment process Reading material Group discussions Appraisals and feedback Improving team performance Principles may be worked into the recruitment process. Interviewees asked about the organisation’s principles. Organisation handbook and vision statement include principles. This may be the first thing new recruits learn about the organisation. Printing out principles and posting them in the office ensures they feature in every employee’s day. Principles could be printed on commonly used items. Hearing principles read out is more effective for some. Managers and team leaders remind employees of principles. Discussion of whether an employee adheres to principles may be part of a formal review. Company awards are used to publicise principles. Company away-days and team-building exercises are opportunities to remind employees of principles. Team-building tasks could be centred on principles. Policies and codes of practice A code of practice is a set of written rules or standards outlining the responsibilities of, or proper practices for, an employee or organisation. An industry-wide code of practice is often defined by a trade association or professional body. Policies tend to be written by an organisation and based on an industry-wide code of practice. Your organisation might make you aware of its policies or code of practice by: Publishing the code of practice/policies on their website or the intranet Emailing updates to the code of practice and policies to all employees Including the code of practice and policies in the organisation handbook Basing appraisals or feedback systems around policies / code of practice Indicating the trade association/professional body who wrote the code of practice. Consultations on change If you are consulted on changes, your opinion is considered by those making the decision. Ways to consult employees on changes to principles, policies and procedures include: Small group meetings (face-to-face or via a video conference) Questionnaire Discussion with line manager/team leader Intranet bulletins or a FAQ page Email Team bulletins Monthly newsletter Letter A trade union/employee representative or staff council. How you are consulted depends on the size and structure of your organisation, employee work practices and the information being communicated. If your organisation has 50+ employees, you have the right to request an Information and Consultation arrangement. Issues of public concern Issues of public concern relating to your industry or organisation could include: Product recall and customer safety – is your product/service safe and reliable? Confidentiality – do you store customer information securely? Accessibility – is it easy to contact your organisation/use your services? Quality – is product/service equal to competitors? Responsiveness – how quickly will you respond to a customer and resolve problems? Value customers – do you value your customers and treat them appropriately? Finances – are accounts transparent and investments ethical? Wider concerns – public health, economy, environment, exploitation of workers etc. Your organisation may deal with issues of public concern by: Establishing stringent testing and health and safety processes Ensuring varied and easily accessed means of communicating with the organisation Investing in public relations to communicate effectively with the public Establishing clear customer service policies, making them available to the public and ensuring that staff adhere to these policies Publishing the organisation’s accounts Publishing a code of practice relating to the organisation’s economic, ethical, environmental responsibilities etc.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Critique of Education Standard III Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critique of Education Standard III - Essay Example One of the area in which libraries can  strengthen  their  dedication  to sustaining  student  education  is the reference services. Are students  being taught  by the librarians using  reference  orientation? This  study  recognizes eight instructional approaches that the librarians can  relate  in digital  orientation  operations and observes librarians’ use of these approaches in one  university’s instant message (IM)  orientation  service (Oakleaf & VanScoy, 380). Article Summary Since this study indicates a  fresh  method to the knowledge of  training  in digital orientation, the outcomes  anticipate  verification  by  potential  researchers. In order to  exploit  the  force  of digital  orientation  on  student  education, librarians can  implement  a  diversity  of instructional policies based in  educational  theory (Oakleaf & VanScoy, 380). At the start of this study, the inve stigators built up a list of instructional policies on the center of  educational  assumptions, incorporating metacognition, dynamic learning, and social constructivism, and working descriptions of each approach. Metacognition is the capacity to be  deliberate  and insightful about a person’s ideas. ... Librarians can  implement  dynamic  learning  methods in digital orientation operations to  employ  users in successful information looking for behavior.  According to  communal  constructivist  hypothesis, what people gain knowledge of,  is being socially built  via relations with  skilled  members of a particular community.  Elmborg  illustrates that librarians who  implement  a social constructivist  form  of  training  can  lead  users to  develop  into members of a  society  of knowledgeable people (Oakleaf & VanScoy, 381). For the instructional strategies; librarians should  reinforce  constructive  information-seeking actions. They should share breakdowns, successes and coping policies. They should  move  away from  recitation  to images and relations. Librarians should  split  transaction into separate, manageable chunks. They should as well  permit  users to  formulate  choices and take actions . They should  identify  the user’s  capability. Librarians should also refer to  supplementary  librarians with skilled expertise. Librarians should as well  explain  the scope of what they do (Oakleaf & VanScoy, 384). Critique of Article Several authors have emphasized the instructional  prospective  of  orientation  service in the modes of digital and face-to-face. For instance, Moyo recognizes the incorporation of training into  orientation  service as a growing need. Beck and Turner reveal that in-person  orientation  operations take place at the user’s  moment  of need, when they are  mainly  open  to  knowledge  (Oakleaf & VanScoy, 380).  Elmborg  illustrates training provided through  orientation  service as  reliable  in that the learner has a  particular  plan  in  progress  and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Financial ratio analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Financial ratio analysis - Assignment Example However, the intention of the ratio computation in this case is for the investment viability and this implies that the relevant explanation of the ratios will be offered. We consider the current ratio, which helps in determining the financial position or ability of an organization to meet its short term obligation. The following formula is used to compute the current ratio A current ratio of 2:1 is considered to be most adequate for numerous organizations in testing the liquidity ratio. In this case, the two organizations are considered to be relatively able to meet their short term obligations. The profit margins indicates that the DOHA Bank is more profitable compared to the Commercial Banks of Qatar. In 2013, the DOHA Bank recorded 0.54 while the CBQ recorded 0.467. On the other hand, in 2012, the DOHA Bank recorded 0.85 while CBQ recorded 0.674 (Chesnick & United States, 2000). This is clear that the DOHA Bank is more viable for investment compared to the Commercial Banks of Qatar. From the debit ratio figures, the two companies seem to be spending nearly the same amount of debts to finance their organizations’ growth and development. This has an impact of creating volatile earnings (Chesnick & United States, 2000). However, DOHA Bank appears to be spending a little bit more in its operations and this explains that, it is able to generate more earnings, which are spread to the shareholders in terms of dividends. These ratios help the business to know whether it is meeting its goals of generating profits and satisfying the clients. In this case the total assets turn over will be computed using the following formula. These ratios indicate that the market viability of the two organizations is sound and they can thrive well, since their book value is almost the same as the market values of the shares (Chesnick & United States, 2000). From the above ratio analysis, it can be concluded that the DOHA Banks has more

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Trends in Health Information Systems and Applications Essay

Trends in Health Information Systems and Applications - Essay Example Overview – today's medical professionals work in an increasingly hurried environment; it is important to them they can access the right information at the right time when it is needed. The main problems identified in a medical practice which bother a lot are delays in obtaining patient information, misplaced laboratory test results, delays in updating of medical records and a host of other valid concerns such as incorrect vital physical details of a patient. Problem - the problem is really a question of properly managing the flow of information from those who obtained those records to giving the same information to those who need it the most – the medical practitioners. Present information systems used by hospitals, clinics and other medical institutions are often overwhelmed by a deluge of data. If not properly managed through the right information technologies, there is always the danger of mistakes being committed with a possibility of being sued for medical malpract ice. The identified need is to use technology that can provide the information in a proximate manner in terms of both time and space.

Intels corporate ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Intels corporate ethics - Essay Example â€Å"This $2 million plant is only 0.1% of what Intel spent to build this facility.† (What Intel has done and is doing, n.d.). The US is the greatest inventor of the world and Intel is one of the greatest innovator of the world. There is no doubt it can make the most enormous contributions towards dealing with the world’s major problem—the environment problem. Yet the huge profits have caused Intel to act blindly in this area. Greed is no doubt the key factor in ignoring the environmental problems. Corporate heads get greedy and lust for profits and ignore citizens’ welfare. In Hamidi’s (n.d.) website, ‘Intel is being accused for causing air pollution by using toxic solvents. The air pollution in that area was about three times higher than the acceptable limit. The History of Intel’s Toxic Chemical Release in Corrales (n.d.) states, people have developed respiratory and skin problems. New Mexico has also been known to have droughts. It is extremely hot in the summer. Yet one of the largest consumers of their water is Intel. Intel has built such a huge facility with no water recycling system. On the Intel website, the US Environmental Protection Agency says this is a very dangerous practice. There was a debate on how to deal with this issue and they had conducted studies. In the site for NM risk assessment on the Intel website (n.d.), â€Å"the EPA wants manufacturers to take responsibility for the products, throughout their life, particularly when they contain hazardous materials.†

Friday, July 26, 2019


THE INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP AND HIGH PERFORMANCE (HRM) SYSTEMS ON PATIENT SAFETY MEDIATING BY ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE IN SAUDI HOSPITALS - Thesis Example lted in hospitals beginning to provide integrated health care services which was qualitatively made even better through technological adaptations (Lighter and Fair, 2004, p.7). As the hospitals grew in size, capital and functions, a considerable work force began to get aligned with it resulting in a scope and need for applying management and human resource concepts and frameworks into them (Hernandez, 2009, p.4). This was also a result of health service as a sector being highly â€Å"labor intensive† (Hernandez, 2009, p.4). It is this evolving work environment in health care sector that is transforming all its outcomes including patient safety (Ngo, Foley and Loi, 2009, p.668). This evolving work environment is what constitutes organizational climate of a health service organization and it is â€Å"the frame of reference through which individuals (workers) make sense of organizational life† in a health care facility (Ngo, Foley and Loi, 2009, p.668). Hence, organizational climate can be viewed as one of the most important mediating element in patient safety (Walston, Al-Omar and Al-Mutari, 2008, p.35). This mediation happens through human resource management. Though there can be many aspects to human resource management that can lead to patient safety, this study envisages focusing on two specific elements of it, namely, leadership and high performance work systems (HPWS). The research done so far in this area have mostly generated data on how leadership and HPWS help build an organizational climate suitable for patient safety (Richardson and Storr, 2010; Stewart and Usher, 2010; Combs et al., 2007). Yet, these studies have also pointed to the lack of sufficient investigation being made into the whole process that starts with leadership and work force, evolves through organizational climate and arrives at desirable level of patient safety. This literature review envisages weighing the opposing arguments on the role of high performance work systems and leadership in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Case Study Example 15). Nick exhibits many symptoms. †¨ Nick’s behavior definitely seems erratic, dramatic, and emotional. He also seems to have met the symptom of having a grandiose sense of self-importance—which is probably related to his displays of worrying about whether he’s going to be famous or not. His preoccupation with actors and promoting talented people in order to gain fame himself have been eschewed by those in the acting community, as evidenced from the case study. Although Nick does not necessarily exhibit exhibitionism forthrightly, he does have some â€Å"show-and-tell† of his sacred objects in his briefcase. He exuded rage in response to criticism. Nick exhibits exploitiveness within interpersonal relationships to some extent, trying even to manipulate the clinician while he was being seen. Also, Nick exhibits unstable relationship patterns and lack of feeling for others. Without a doubt, Nick definitely exhibits most if not all of the behaviors of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. None of the criteria were really unmet—and, as far as one can tell, Nick is a classic case of NPD. The lack of empathy that Nick displays is quite characteristic of NPD. Differential potential diagnoses that might overshadow NPD would be Bipolar Disorder II, where the client would experience manic highs and depressive lows. Although the patient describes being depressed, he is also very high-strung, which could have a great deal to do with his attitude. He could have a mixed episode, and he might possibly be psychotic—after all, why would someone be wearing a white suit with a rose in the lapel unless he were absolutely, if not totally, disconnected from reality? Carrying around a briefcase full of newspaper clippings and certain items that give him a sense of self-importance is one of the characteristics of NPD, but if one thinks about it,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Accountability, representation & control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Accountability, representation & control - Essay Example Accounting is the means to measure performance and maintain control in the organization. All organizations and businesses utilize some form of accounting whether it is basic ledgers or management and cost accounting. Accounting is the means to identify elements of sales, expenditure and profit as well as budgets, inventory and forecasts. Thus it is a method of achieving accountability as it monitors and accounts for every financial transaction and thus keeps a check on fraud, embezzlement and suspicious acts within the firm. However, accounts focuses on quantitative rather than qualitative data. It does not measure qualitative performance data such as satisfaction, achievement of goals, job commitment and quality among others. Accounting does not take into account the environmental degradation, labor practices, work environment and safety rules and regulations. Thus the issue of whether accountability in an organization is best measured by accounting is a complex one. Accountability is the willingness to assume responsibility for one’s actions. In the organizational context, every employee is responsible for his actions at the workplace and thus he should be held accountable for them. In order to be effective in maintaining accountability within the organization, organizations need to be focused on setting goals that are measurable and train employees to feel accountable for their actions. Consequences of their actions should be predefined and communicated and the organization should implement the rules that it has set. (Building Organizational Accountability). Apart from internal accountability, the concept of the organization being accountable for its actions is extremely important. As organizations develop into powerful systems that affect the world and its citizens they need to be held accountable for their decisions and policies. Accountability in the financial context does control performance and finance; however it is not really effective in contr olling child labor and sweat shops. Is accounting the most effective means of achieving accountability in organizations? All organizations are involved in book keeping; they keep accounts of their costs and expenditure and their sales and revenues. This results in accountability of the actions of managers and employees. At a higher level for corporations, audits provide accountability for processes and procedures as well as transparency and accuracy of accounting records. Internal audits result in employees being accountable to the company for their actions and external audits result in the organization being accountable for its procedures and policies. The Enron case resulted in stricter guidelines for organizations regarding representation, transparency and control. The Sarbanes Oxley 302 and 404 focus on corporate governance and practices that better control the organization’s practices and prevent corruption. However, as accounting and auditing deal invariably with financ ial aspects and maximization of shareholder value, it is vital to establish the basics of accounting which is cost. The concept of cost is the fundamental of finance. However, in accounting cost is monetary cost associated with consumption of resources whereas in economics cost includes opportunity cost which is the cost of foregone alternatives. In actuality, consumption of a resource leads to many costs including the cost to society, cost to environment and other living things for example; an organization manufacturing furniture will only take into account the cost of labor, materials and processes but not the costs of deforestation and environmental degradation. Thus the concept of cost used in accounting is limited and hence every control or measure implemented by accounting methods is limited to that definition of cost that does not hold the organization for costs it imposes on others. (M. Chwastiak) This results in the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Strategy and the Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Strategy and the Strategic Management - Essay Example Knowing the firm’s external environment is important in the strategic management process because it affects how value is generated and how activities could be carried out under the influence of technological change, demographic trends, cultural trends, the economic climate, legal and political conditions, and other global events. Using the structure-conduct-performance (S-C-P) model allows a systematic analysis of the firm and its environment. This model: (1) helps a firm identify the attributes of its industry’s structure that constrains the firm’s strategic alternatives and performance, (2) helps it decide how to conduct itself by crafting the most appropriate strategies, and (3) take into account the performance of the firm, the industry, or the economy. The S-C-P model helps a firm develop the tools it can use to analyze threats in its competitive environment. The â€Å"five forces framework† is a tool that looks at five threats to the firm.These threats affect the firm, its performance, and how its competitors would react, thereby helping the firm determine what strategies it needs to develop and execute to overcome problems arising from each of these forces. Complementors are another important force that a firm has to contend with because these firms add value to the firm’s products. A firm can use compliments as a means of gaining an advantage over other competitors, e.g. Microsoft encouraging software companies to develop games for its X-box game player instead of developing games for its competitors. The S-C-P model can also help firms analyze strategic opportunities by identifying generic industry structures and available strategic opport

Monday, July 22, 2019

I Like to Eat Pizza Essay Example for Free

I Like to Eat Pizza Essay Hose who eat their slices with two hands, and those who (dare I say) like to cut their pizza with a fork and knife. Some people soak up the olive oil with a napkin, while others don’t mind a greasy slice. Some people like the crust, while others live for that first bite. Some people decorate their slices with spices, while others like it plain. Nearly any ingredient can be put on pizza. From pepperoni and anchovies to barbecue chicken and pineapple, every pizza pie is like a unique work of art. Every pie is a different shape and size. There are thin crust pies, deep dish pies, and everything in between. There are pies with different cheeses and tomato sauce, or even pies with a completely different base altogether. Growing up in the suburbs of Washington, DC there weren’t so many great options for pizza. Ordering in from Domino’s and Pizza Hut was a weekly occurrence. But when I arrived in New York in 2002, I was thrust into an entirely new pizza universe. Living at an NYU dorm by Washington Square Park, I developed a quick allegiance with my local pizzerias. I could barely walk a block without passing by a shop — many of them claiming to serve up the best slice in the city. There was Joe’s on the corner of Bleecker Street and Carmine Street (which closed it’s doors in 2004) where tipsy students, homeless people, and even celebrities made their way to the counter through the wee hours of the morning. I remember eating a slice of pizza with Dave Chappelle one evening after he’d finished up a set at the nearby Comedy Cellar. Joe’s served up a good slice, but it was about more than the food. Going there was an adventure. It was where old friends would run into each other and new friends were made. You couldn’t help but notice the non-stop hustle and bustle around you — but at the same time there was sense satisfaction once you took your first bite of their delicious slices. Within a five minute walk from my dorm, there were dozens of pizza places and I intended to try them all. I fell in love with many including Pizza Booth on Bleecker Street and The Pizzeria on MacDougal Street. I remember the night I ran into Adam Sandler at Ben’s Pizza on the corner of MacDougal and 3rd Street and the first time I went to Pasty’s Pizzeria on University Place — the final meal I ate in 2002. Patsy’s opened my eyes to a whole other world of pizza — the upscale pie. I had always thought that a New York slice was served on a paper plate — intended for a quick late night bite on your way between watering holes. But I soon came to learn that many of city’s best pizza places didn’t serve slices and that eating their pizza involved a great deal of patience while your custom pie was prepared. The fall of 2003 took me to what is still one of my favorite pizza places in the New York: Grimaldi’s. Although there is a subway stop a few blocks from this Brooklyn pizzeria, the only true way to get there is by walking over the Brooklyn Bridge, arguably the most picturesque ways to take in New York’s sprawling skyline. To me, a walk over the bridge and Grimaldi’s have become synonymous with one another. I can’t walk across the bridge without stopping at Grimaldi’s and I can’t stop at Grimaldi’s without walking across the bridge. This is the first thing I do with any out-of-town guest. It’s just off the beaten path enough to make a tourist feel like a New Yorker, yet not so touristy that a New Yorker feels out of place. It is the quintessential New York experience. There have been days when I’ve been seated at Grimaldi’s right away and other times where I’ve waited behind hundreds of people outside in the cold. When you’re inside, the best view of the action is in the bathroom line, adjacent to the brick ovens where pies are constantly being removed, put on a platter, and placed on a nearby table as the steam still rises off the top. The pizza is thin enough that two people can split a large pie. In fact, ordering the small pie for $2 less is not even economical. There is no better place to digest Grimaldi’s than on the Brooklyn Heights Promenade overlooking lower Manhattan. It’s the only place in the city that I can be assured to find at least one bride and groom snapping photos every time I’m there. On weekend afternoons it’s common to see five or six couples taking wedding photos. Walking back on the bridge, one feels content, satisfied, accomplished, and [insert positive feeling here]. There are few experiences that rival this. The spring of 2004 took me to Italy where I spent a semester studying in Florence. At the time, I was not a big foodie, so I rarely kept track of where I ate. Today, however, if I was to return, my entire trip would be dictated by food. Although Florence is a very Americanized city, my apartment was a 20 minute walk from the center of town. One evening, while exploring the area around our apartment, my roommates and I discovered a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant on a hidden side street. There wasn’t a single English speaking person in the entire place and there was no English version of the menu. Although I have no idea what this place was named, I know how to get back there and one day plan to return. Their pizza pies were large, but so thin that everyone needed their own. Their pies were more closely resembled the shape of a puddle in the street than a geometric figure. Of the dozen times I dined there, my pizza never looked the same. I think about this place a lot — whether it still exists, what it was actually called, whether any other tourists every discovered it. But most of all, I’m upset that I can’t tell people traveling to Florence how to find it. I need to get back there for the sake of this pizza place.

Allied Diplomacy Essay Example for Free

Allied Diplomacy Essay Due to Britains position as a major power, the country was able to reshape the Middle East and formulate agreements with several important cultures. However, some of the terms within these treaties were completely contradictory, creating dispute and controversy between parties. This very powerful mandate made many mistakes and errors in judgment that led to disastrous conflicts, such as providing assurances of things they werent able to fulfill and creating contradictory terms within official agreements. Britain was responsible for a great amount of problems in the Middle East during World War 1, but there were many other sources of instability with different origins and motives. Two of the most controversial events in the Middle East were the McMahon-Hussein agreement and the Balfour declaration, due to the profound difference in their terms. Whilst the Balfour Declaration promised to provide a National Homeland for the Jewish people, the McMahon- Hussein pact stated that Arab nationals would recover land previously owned by the Turks. At first sight, these terms were completely opposite, and according to the Jewish and the Arabs, impossible to fulfill at once. However, the British claimed that the way in which the Arabs had interpreted the McMahon-Hussein agreement was mistaken because they believed Palestine was to be given to them, just as Britain argued that the map used to establish the terms excluded Palestine from land that had to be given back to the Arab people. A minor phrase that stated that any land that was not purely Arab was to be excluded from the terms created a monumental disagreement when it came to this particular event. Hussein claimed Palestine had to be considered purely Arab as McMahon had a very different view. He believed the land in question was not of pure Arab nature because many other religious groups had established in Jerusalem under Turk rule, therefore eliminating the possibility of ultimate Arab presence in Palestine. Many Palestinians felt betrayed by the British government due to the use of inaccurate technicalities of language. The main purpose of the agreement Britain decided to make with Palestinian Arabs was to gain protection against Ottoman forces and their increasing power. In order to achieve their goal, British officials in Cairo contacted Sharif Hussein and informed him that if they were to assist them against Ottomans, Britain would support future Arab independence. The Arabs had to create a revolt and refer to the Ottomans as their enemies, in order to support the British government further. On the 10th of June 1916, the Arabs did effectively create a large physical conflict in order to fulfill the terms established and to gain the support they required for their ideal independence. The Arab army was founded and organized by the British government, but led by Sharif Husseins sons. Due to the amount of instability the Arab-British forces created in the region, the terms were now justified and Hussein demanded Britain to recognize Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Palestine and areas of the Arabian Peninsula as Arab countries. However, Syria and Lebanon were of French interest and therefore were discussed in the Sykes-Picot agreement that took place from 1915 to 1916. The United Kingdom recognized the freedom of the Arabs, creating not only a contradiction between the agreements made with France and Palestinians but a great dispute between the Jewish and Arabs, two religious groups that had been promised the same portion of land. As time passed, Britain started increasing the amount of conflict in the Middle East throughout grave contradictions and opposite statements. The McMahon-Hussein agreement occurred approximately two years before the Balfour declaration, increasing the dimension of the mistake made by the British government. Just after they had promised to return Middle Eastern territories to the Arabs, the major power was responsible for providing a very concrete assurance of giving the Jewish a national homeland within Palestine. Arthur James Balfour was very clear and was able to state this throughout a letter he wrote to Lord Rothschild on November 2nd, 1917. The Balfour Declaration urged Lionel Walter Rothschild to inform the Zionist Federation of the proposition and was clear that His Majestys government would use all its power to provide a National Homeland as long as no rights were violated in the process, even if they did belong to exterior ethnic groups. As mentioned before, this declaration was said to be completely  contradictory to the agreement made with Sharif Hussein according to Jewish interpretation. Jews believed they w ould receive the entire land of Palestine and would be able to make exclusive use of it, whereas the British argued they never promised the land in its whole and therefore were not breaking any promises or contradicting the terms made in previous agreements. The Treaty of Sevres confirmed the promise made to the Jewish people in the 1917 Balfour Declaration and initiated a long-term problem between the both Palestinian Arabs and Jews. With this treaty, European Powers managed to solve their internal conflicts and successes by reestablishing the map of the region according to what was convenient at the moment, but didnt really think of the long-term consequences of the new arrangement. By not taking Turkish interests into account, the treaty of Sevres was not of their liking and managed to create a larger sense of nationalism within the country, thus creating the war. The lack of precision presented in the three consecutive arrangements with the Arabs, French and Jewish created a great deal of controversy and instability in the Middle Eastern region. Even though the British government was undoubtedly responsible for the majority of the disputes in the Middle East during WW1, there were some exterior factors that accumulated and created outrageous amounts of discrepancies. It wouldnt be incorrect to say that Britain acted the way it did due to the pressure put on it by the initiation of the Holy War, announced by the Ottomans. After four entire centuries of rule, the Ottoman Empire collapsed and therefore contributed to the incessant tensions between inhabitants of several countries. The mentioned empire was the worlds most influential Islamic power and was responsible for putting a stop to its neutrality towards the allies and declaring a Holy War against France, Russia and Great Britain. This war initiation not only put pressure on Britain, but also encouraged the government to find support against the Ottomans, hence the McMahon-Hussein agreement and its terms. In retrospect, Britain was mostly responsible for the instability in the Middle East during the First World War but there were some factors and events having to do with the Ottoman war declaration that created tension  and controversy. If the treaties made with the French, Arabs and Jews had been coherent and logical when put together; the problems in the Middle East wouldnt have been so deeply catastrophic. To certain extent, there were some factors that put Britain in a very difficult position by threatening their empire and even though they were to blame for creating most of the conflicts during World War 1, they definitely werent responsible for starting the long sequence of instability. If it hadnt been for Britains lack of precision when presenting the terms, the long-term problem between Palestinian Arabs and Jews could have been reduced or avoided, despite their ambitious natures. The events and agreements mentioned were not the only sources of conflict between these two ethnic groups due to the disputes that had been occurring a long time before concerning land and respective properties. British officials could have definitely dealt with conflicts in a better way, avoiding the preposterous amount of tension and disputes in the Middle East from the beginning until de end of the war. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Palestinians. (n.d.). The McMahon Agreement. _History Learning Site_. Retrieved September 16, 2012, from The Balfour Declaration . (n.d.). _Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs_ . Retrieved September 16, 2012, from British Mandate for Palestine. (n.d.). _Middle East: MidEastWeb_. Retrieved September 17, 2012, from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Risk factors that hinder a childs development

Risk factors that hinder a childs development Child development is multidimensional; the dimensions consist of social, emotional, cognitive and motor performance as well as patterns of behaviour, health and nutrition. Also the early years of life are essential as the foundation to later development, these factors can have a significant impact to a child or childrens life, these consist of under nutrition, poor health and parenting this also affects a broad range of outcomes such as cognitive, motor, psychosocial and effective development. For example a child is naturally motivated to explore and to attempt to master their environment but with poor health, poor nutrition and non- optical parents the child motivation tends to be less developed. Another critical element is to understand and support the childs affective development which will help the child assemble a sense of self, to help them in learning how to deal with their emotions. Philippe Rochat (2004) has suggested that childrens awareness of their own thoughts, beliefs and personalities emerges from their recognition of the differentness of other peoples thought beliefs and personalities. Emotions are feelings such as love, happiness worry, sorrow, excitement, shyness, pride, anger, frustration and jealousy. Young children show all these emotional development and the childs inborn temperament depends on the genes the child inherits. Each child varies in strength of their emotions for example some children will be more excitable while others will be considerably shy. A child often has phrases of shyness for no apparent reason and has the child reaches the age of 6 months old the child will still be friendly with strangers but will sometimes display signs of shyness. Even when a child is older like Tamas the child may become silent and shy in the company of people they do not know. Tamas lacks love and security from his family, because his mom and dad are working to support their family which results in little contact with them. Has Tamas suffers learning disabilities he does not understand what is happening has he probably has not reached the stage in emotional develop ment which helps him to control and express his feeling. Tamas may react by showing signs of distress such as temper tantrums, jealousy and elective mute. Bronfenbrenner states that the most important setting for a young child is his family, because that is where he spends the most time and because it has the most emotional influence on him. Other important setting may include his extended family, early care and education programmes, health care setting and other community learning sites such as neighbourhoods, libraries and playgrounds (Adapted from Bronfenbrenner, 1998, p.996). Also Bronfenbrenner states that a model of ecology of human development acknowledges that human do not develop in isolation, but in relation to their families and home, school, community and society (Bronfenbrenner Ecological Model of Child Development) The mind is the thinking part of the brain which is used to recognise, reasoning, knowing, and understanding. This is known has the intellectual development (mental development; cognitive development). A child mind is active from the moment they are born and day by day the child mind develops and they become more intelligent. A childs intelligence will depend on two main factors which are genes and the environment. Genes controls the amount of natural intelligence a child has and the environment influences the intelligence of a child. Throughout childhood, the genes and environment continuously interact to produce peoples mind. Peoples minds develop in a variety of ways for example; a child will vary in their ability to remember, also some will acquire musical talents, skills of different languages or be a mathematical genius. Tamas who is five has a multiple of conditions which could slow down the process of brain development. Has Tamas lacks the opportunity to play and interact wit h other children this will hinder his development of interacting with other and knowing how to communicate effectively. Also has Tamas does not get the help required in school with his learning difficulties this will also effect and slow down the process of is development. Another factor which will slow his process down is, his moms constant shouting has there are six people living in a small flat. Tamas also haves to deal with language barriers which will also affect his development. Bronfenbrenner theory is if a child is encourage and nurtured more at home and school the better he would grow and develop. Bowlby states that early experiences in childhood have an important influence on development and behaviour later on in life. Our early attachment styles are established in childhood through infant / caregiver relationship. Bowlby believes that there are four distinguishing characteristics of attachment; the four attachments are Proximity Maintenance, Safe Haven, Secure Base and Separation Distress. ( 2009) Social development is a process of learning the skills and attitudes which enable the individual to live easily with others and the community. Activities which encourage social development are family outings, parent and toddler groups, playground and nursery school and an opportunity to play with friends. Children are happier and healthier if they get on well with the people around them. Children are not born with knowledge of these social skills they have to learn them and their parents needs to teach them otherwise how they will learn. Now that Tamas is five, his social skills should be where he can co-operate with his companions and understand the needs for rules and play. Tamas has insufficient social contact where there are not enough people and friends to talk and play with, thus resulting in him feeling lonely and refusing to go to school. Although there is a playground nearby where he could learn some of the social skills required his parents do not always have the time to ta ke him due to work commitments. At birth your babys senses tell him / her things they need in order to survive, for example: crying when they want to be fed, changed or sleep. These senses unfold slowly but perceptibly, and soon you realise that the baby is seeing and hearing more clearly has his / her head turns when they hear sounds. Young babies are far more aware of their surroundings than was once thought; from the day they are born they use their senses to develop awareness and understanding of the world around them. Young babies are aware of their environment in the forms of light, sound, touch and smell and they can learn by looking, listening, feeling and smelling. They are more likely to be kept alert and happy if you incorporate a changing pattern of stimulation, for babys repetition of the same sound and movement will often send them asleep. There are many risk factors that can hinder a child development these factors are biological, such as genetics or chromosomal, secondly, environmental, for example violence in the home or the neighbourhood, and lastly an interaction between the two, such as stress. This can reflect the differences between how a child will react in their vulnerability to harm or resilience where they will overcome any difficulties they are faced with such has negative circumstances. Each individual child react in different ways to parallel environmental circumstances, For example, two children can experience the same event and interpret it differently. Some children tend to create their own experiences and contribute to the direction of their own development. (J, Empson Pg 39-40 2009) In conclusion children between the ages of 0 5 years show continuing development from simple to more complicated forms of social play. Most children pass through stages of solitary play which is when they play alone then go onto parallel play where they play alongside others but not with them, also looking on play where they watch from the edge of the group when other children play. Has a child becomes more mature they start to joining in play where they will interact and play with others for example running around together and the last stage is co operative play where they belong to a group and share the same task by doing jigsaw, cooking and drawing. Also deprivation can effect education has the childs parents cannot afford educational toys. Growing up in poverty is as much has a risk has growing up in wealth to the emotional side of a child has the rich and famous children can have many emotional disorders has a child that has been brought up in poverty. If you take the film that come out many years ago called Twins with Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger where they was separated at birth and one child (Devito) was brought up in a orphanage and poverty while the other (Schwarzenegger) child was brought up in wealth and was taught a very high standard of education. Has they came from two different background and upbringing the brotherly love and compassion for each other faded their past irrelevant. The emotions and poverty Devito suffered all his life started to prevail has he was taught how to be good.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Even though I am aware that there have been great strides forward, especially within the past decade, in the implementation of safer and more constructive methods, in regards to child interviewing practices, I am appalled at the gross negligence of our justice system, in their failure to protect children from the brutal onslaught of such damaging interrogation. Not only does it fail to safeguard a child’s health and well-fare, but it also proves counterproductive in the gathering of reliable testimony, and so therefore does not ultimately serve the constructs of justice, either. The criminal justice system, in the United States, has been very slow in recognizing and competently employing the substantial volume of relevant research data that has been available, for the past century, on the subject of the significant differences in the psychological and neurological differences between children and adults. In Europe, there was substantial and illuminating research being carried out, at the turn of the 20th century. In the work of Alfred Binet (1900), on external forces of suggestibility, free recall, and the inherent pressures resulting from a child’s eagerness to please adults, and William Stern’s (1910) research, on the detrimental effects of repeated questioning and leading questions, which were found to literally alter future recall of the same event, there was an emergence of much valuable insight into the subject of child witness testimony (Bruck, 1993, p. 406). An explanation of why the U.S. was so slow to embrace these valuable findings l ies in the differences in the judicial systems, of these countries. In much of Europe there is an inquisitorial form of trail, whereby a judge is responsible for interviewing witnesses. Th... ...g disorder, and an on-going battle with depression. In reading about this case, I am struck first and foremost, by the damaging effects of improperly executed child witness interrogation practices, and the enormous value of the immense body of research and the resultantly improved understanding of the effects of the proper handling of such a delicate undertaking. I can’t help but feel that the interrogation process itself, can in effect be a traumatic event, and the manner in which it is carried out acting as either a benefit or an added stressor, to a child already in obvious distress. These considerations are directly responsible for so many cases of child abuse not being reported, out of a fear of worsening an already painful experience, and underline the great need for, and value of, such protective and progressive institutions, such as child advocacy centers.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Jefferson Finis Davis was born on June 3,1808, in ____ Kentucky. He was the tenth of ten children. Davis was named after the third president of the United States of America, Thomas Jefferson. During his childhood Davis moved twice; he moved at the age of 3 to St.Mary Parish, Louisiana. Less than a year later he moved to Wilkinson County, Mississippi. Three of his brothers served in the war of 1812. He began his education in 1813 at Wilkinson Academy, near the family cotton plantation. Davis Later attended a catholic school called Saint Thomas. When he was there he was the only protestant student in attendance. Davis went on to attend Jefferson College in Washington, Mississippi, in 1818, and then attended Transylvania University at Lexington, Kentucky, in 1821. His father Samuel died on July 4, 1824, when Jefferson was 16 years old. He attended the United States Military Academy starting in 1824. He was placed under house arrest after his involvement in the eggnog riots. In June 182 8 he graduated 23rd in a class of 33. Following graduation, Second Lieutenant Davis was assigned to the 1st Infantry Regiment he was stationed at Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin Territory. Zachary Taylor had recently been placed in command of the fort when Davis arrived in early 1829. Davis returned to Mississippi on furlough in March 1832 this was his first leave since arriving at the fort. The Black Hawk war broke out while Davis was still in Mississippi. He quickly returned to the fort in August 1832. At the end of the war, Colonel Taylor assigned him to the transportation of Black Hawk to prison. Davis soon fell in love with Sarah Knox Taylor, his commanding officers daughter. They pursued Sarah’s father for permission to marry but he... ...inted and then elected to the U.S. Senate. He resigned his position to run for Governor of Mississippi. Although he was not successful, he was ultimately named Secretary of War under President Pierce. He went back to the Senate in the 1840s and remained there until Mississippi seceded January 9, 1861. Davis waited for official notification and addressed the Senate on January 21, 1861 calling it the â€Å"saddest day of his life.† He returned to Mississippi. Davis was first named as Major General for the Army of Mississippi on January 23, 1861 and then elected as Provisional President of the Confederate States of America and inaugurated in February. He was selected because of his military and political background. When Virginia joined the Confederacy, Davis moved the Capital to Richmond in May 1861. By November he had been elected to a full-six year term as President.

Spirituality in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- GCSE Coursework Shakespe

     Ã‚  Ã‚   Can anyone possibly deny the spirituality within the Shakespearean tragedy Hamlet? Yes, some literary critics do. But most critics agree with the contention of this paper – that there is considerable spirituality present in the play. In his essay â€Å"Hamlet: His Own Falstaff,† Harold Goddard sees that Hamlet was made for â€Å"religion† and several other purposes: He [Hamlet] was made, that is, for religion and philosophy, for love and art, for liberty to â€Å"grow unto himself† – five forces that are the elemental enemies of Force. And this man is called upon to kill. It is almost as if Jesus had been asked to play the role of Napoleon (as the temptation in the wilderness suggests that in some sense he was). If Jesus had been, ought he to have accepted it? The absurdity of the question prompts the recording of the strangest of all the strange facts in the history of Hamlet: the fact, namely, that nearly all readers, commentators, and critics are agreed in thinking that it was Hamlet’s duty to kill, that he ought indeed to have killed much sooner than he did. (12)    Goddard’s highlighting of the main question underlying the narrative of the play – a moral question – indicates the spiritual nature of   Hamlet. Not all critics appreciate the spirituality in Hamlet. A.C. Bradley’s Shakespearean Tragedy: Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth presents a different interpretation regarding the presence of spirituality within the play:    For although this or that dramatis persona may speak of gods or of God, of evil spirits or of Satan, of heaven and of hell, and although the poet may show us ghosts from another world, these ideas do not materially influence his representation of life, nor are they used... ...Tragedies.† Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Rpt. from Shakespeare’s Women. N.p.: n.p., 1981.    Rosenberg, Marvin. â€Å"Laertes: An Impulsive but Earnest Young Aristocrat.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Masks of Hamlet. Newark, NJ: University of Delaware Press, 1992.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995.    West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957.    Wilson, John Dover. What happens in Hamlet. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1959.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Crystal Pepsi: A Giant’s Failure Essay

Introduction We all have heard and seen it over and over again in commercials, movies, documentaries, stories, about Pepsi and its huge line of products. But very few of us (nationally and internationally) know about the company and its history. PepsiCo, Inc. was established through the merger of Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay. Pepsi-Cola was created in the late 1890s by Caleb Bradham while Frito-Lay Inc. was formed by the 1961 merger of the Frito Company, founded by Elmer Doolin in 1932. Throughout its history, PepsiCo has introduced number of products for its consumers from cola to water, to teas and dark chocolate mocha. It went through number of transformation and acquired several other companies along its way. Today, Pepsi is one of the largest food and beverage companies in the world operating nationally and internationally1. However, it has seen many failures on its way to success. One of its failures is Crystal Pepsi, introduced in April 1992 as a colorless drink with a market slogan â€Å"You ’ve never seen a taste like this†2. The main strategy was to introduce its colorless drink with fewer sweeteners to its health conscious consumers. The marketing began in 1990s and was tested in Denver, Sacramento, Dallas and Providence that resulted positive3. The paper discusses about its making, marketing mix, target market, competition and failure in detail. Product Every big business whether it is retail, manufacture or service depends on some kind of a product or product line it’s introduced. A proper strategy is required to sustain in market especially when competition is tough and rival is continuously coming up with some strategy to get the first movers advantage. Products that lack continuous innovation often suffers up to the extent that the internal or external forces ultimately drive them out of business. Crystal Pepsi is such product that gained the attention of consumers by its fancy name but lost the market in no time due to its lack of innovation. Although, PepsiCo tried hard to sustain its beloved product by introducing it in diet and different flavors but all strategies failed miserably.4 The making Crystal Pepsi by Pepsi was first introduced in 1992 and remained a mystery not only for its consumers but also to its manufacturers in terms of sales, strategy and market share. It was one of the most fascinated drinks when introduced as it was a colorless cola that provides relief from thirst and has health benefits simultaneously. The idea, however, was captured from the remake of Ivory Soap from its classic milky solution. There were two reasons behind the launch of Crystal Pepsi; Competition and a shift of consumer taste towards healthier beverages5. Crystal Pepsi targeted the market right but failed in both as the drink was nothing but a combination sugar and water with little flavor in it. Taste It was first marketed as the caffeine free, naturally flavored with preservatives drink that is different from other colas in many ways as it uses fewer sweeteners, equating as clearness with purity and health. The drink also claimed to be lighter than other drinks and Pepsi itself. Moreover, the drink was then introduced in lime flavor as well which was a part of limited edition and sales promotion. PepsiCo tried to save its product by adding citrus flavor to it. The company also shorten its name to Crystal and added â€Å"from the makers of Pepsi† on the packaging to give it a new brand image and changed formula but failed again. As the sales went down drastically all major projects related to Crystal Pepsi were put to halt that resulted in its disappearance from the shelves and discontinued supplies6. Packaging After receiving the positive response from its test market, PepsiCo decided to launch the product in United States and Canada to gain the maximum market share. A large campaign was launched and it was the first time in the company’s history a first photo-realistic, computer generated bus wrap was invented to advertise the product. The bottles were designed in the most sophisticated packing with a combination of blue, red, and silver prominent colors giving it a refreshing looks. It was also available in different sizes from 2 liters bottles to 250 ml cans7. Promotion The promotion strategy is one of the most significant parts of business. One  of the best quotes about the importance of advertising is by Stuart Henderson Britt and goes like this: â€Å"Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does.† Obviously, like any other strategy promotion strategy consist of introduction, growth, maturity and decline but Crystal Pepsi is among those products that came in the market with a bang but suffered terribly since after. Advertising Crystal Pepsi started it full marketing campaign in 1992 nationally including media campaign featuring Van Halen’ music, â€Å"Right Now†. This gave boost to sales in the market for a short period of time but went down again due to its competition with its rival Coca Cola. The Advertisement also appeared in on network TV during Super Bowl XXVII on January 31st, 1993. PepsiCo has always been famous for its promotion and the time and money company spend on its every product line. PepsiCo was doing all it could to sustain the product in the market by using different electronic media resources available at that time. Promoting Crystal Pepsi through advertisements on buses and on merchandizes like pool float, glass and wall clock were few of its marketing strategies to improve the sales. Like many other companies, Pepsi also arranged promotions with major retailers like Walmart but it didn’t ended well. The other promoting methods that used were radio commercials and major newspapers including USA Today. The major factor that Pepsi was unable to recognize at the time of promotion was the differentiation. It stressed on the importance of product attributes like fewer sweeteners, less calories, flavored drink etc. when the time was to segregate itself from regular carbonate drink to more of an energy drink. Changing names, color of the packaging and commercial medium wasted time and money of the company that ultimately result in the failure of the product8. Price The pricing strategy is crucial in any decision making process. Often times products that are new in market are either priced too high or too low. For any company that has vast experience in customer relationship and dealing, pricing strategy is of greatest importance. The price of its product should reflect the quality of the product as well as the reaction of consumers. If  the price is set too low then the customers would reject the product and vice versa. In any case the strategy for Crystal Pepsi was the same; to penetrate. Pricing Strategy According to various sources, Crystal Pepsi was sold at regular cola prices which means no major efforts were put forth to enforce the selling of the product at higher prices. Crystal Pepsi at first gained a lot of attention from the other soda drinkers and they lined up to try this new refreshed cola that promotes healthy drink and fewer sweetener. The sales were skyrocketed and company made more than expected profits. However, the customers found no difference between sprite and 7up and eventually gave up on Crystal Pepsi. The price never went down but instead changes were made on its appearance to gain attention through attraction9. Consumer’s Reaction The pricing was not the issue in the case of the cola. Crystal Pepsi was selling good at the asking price varying from 89 cents to a dollar in 90s. When the cola was disappeared from the market it was due to its taste and by the end of its time period, the cola lost major part of its target market. Today, Crystal Pepsi is still available on websites such as eBay and Amazon where the ask prices vary from $50 to $10010. Lately, few videos were made by students at several universities on YouTube asking Pepsi to bring back Crystal Pepsi again. The future of Crystal Pepsi, however, is still unknown. Pepsi has tried many times to bring back Crystal Pepsi in National and International markets but was unable to fully penetrate because of severe competition posed by its either competitors or the companies that already have significant market share. Place The placing of the product plays a vital role in increasing sales revenue and gaining the maximum profit from the market. But like promotion, placing depending on emphasis. Crystal Pepsi has emphasized and stressed on promoting its formula and stretched to convince people that how different this cola is and what health benefits would they get after drinking it11. The mistake that was done by PepsiCo was in differentiation and positioning of its product. The product was different than regular Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola but had the same appearance and taste as of 7up and Sprite. That  is why it became hard for Crystal Pepsi to differentiate itself in the market and form a new image in its consumer’s minds. Distribution Crystal Pepsi was first taste tested by participants from different target markets and then was released to test market in April 1992. The launch was limited to test the reaction of its target consumers. The test markets were conducted in Denver, Dallas, and Providence, Rhode Island for nine months straight bringing all the possible changes to the formula according to the preferences of the consumers. It was then launched nationally during December 1992. Crystal Pepsi was among the favorite drinks of its consumers at that time and gained a good market share in matter of weeks. People tried it partially due to curiosity just to see what’s new in there12. It was available at all the major retailers like Walmart and did very well in sales. After its launch in the United States it was launched in Canada, Europe and Australia for limited time. The time span for Europe was the highest among all the markets but ultimately pulled off the shelves due to poor sales13. The Canadian and A ustralian Markets responded the same as United States but since Crystal Pepsi held different grounds in terms of taste and appearance, it lasted longer than United States. Pepsi later introduced Pepsi Max in Australia replacing Crystal Pepsi during the summer of 1993. Mexico A newer version of Crystal Pepsi under the name of Pepsi Clear was introduced in 2005 in Mexico. However, it was available for a limited time and in quantity in the market. It was another attempt to revive the product in an international market where diet colas are among the most favorite drinks. The product was not a failure but discontinued after the limited time14. Target Market One of the sensitive and time consuming decisions for any company to make is to get proper knowledge of its target market. Many companies have failed to properly evaluate the preference and taste of its target markets and vanished completely or at least their product lines were disappeared from the market. Crystal Pepsi focused on two types of consumers; 1. Health conscious individuals 2. People who prefer white soft drinks over colas Health Conscious Individuals The first target market was quite easy to capture because at the time of its launch people in most of the developed countries were getting health conscious. They made exercise their part of life. It was the start of an era where people begun to think of their fitness and gave workout and fitness priority15. PepsiCo targeted those individuals and presented them an innovative drink with fewer sweeteners and lower calories to help them in achieving their fitness goals. By removing the brown color from the regular cola, Crystal Pepsi easily made an impression of pure drink by presenting an image of â€Å"good health, purity and icy cold-water† to its drinkers. Soft-drinkers The other category was hard to tackle as many colorless soft-drinkers were already committed to their existed products and were brand loyal. However, the marketing strategy done by PepsiCo paid off during its launch and people tried the new product for the change. However, this market wasn’t captured at all and people went back to their original drinks completely ignoring Crystal Pepsi16. PepsiCo put all of their focus and attentions toward this group by changing formulas, packaging and differentiation, putting their health conscious group at stake. They lost both markets in matter of months17. Competitors PepsiCo has always been and still is in direct competition with Coca-Cola, another food and beverage giant. The competition is so severe that they spend millions of dollars to protect their secrets from one another just like many major companies in Silicon Valley. Although the rivalry between Pepsi and Coca-Cola is always severe, the other rivals were tough too. First Movers Advantage Crystal Pepsi was one of its kind products that was first introduced to a limited target market, made a huge impact in its test market, launched with a refined formula, failed and disappeared in 15 weeks. It is one of the most  anticipated products by PepsiCo still demanded by many consumers to date. Crystal Pepsi has enjoyed its top spot for few months and has gained the first mover advantage. They spell bound the market with its fewer sweeteners, low calories and new formula with amazing prices in the market. Consumers liked the taste initially as it was a 90s reason to drink cola without color, caffeine or preservatives1819. Competition Crystal Pepsi was introduced to directly compete with already existed products in the market such as Clearly Canadian. This and similar products were already held the major market share and stayed strong in its demand vs supply. They addressed the need and want of its consumers more strongly as compared to its competitors. Crystal Pepsi when came in targeted its competition in a unique way. Although the cola was colorless, it was a direct threat to Clearly Canadian and Quibell. Clearly Canadian and Quibell both offered non-carbonate drinks that were the market segment of soft-drinkers. Their products still exists in the market in many flavors. Coca-Cola, on the other hand, tried to come up with same product but with different strategy and named it as Tab Clear which also failed in market miserably. Although Coca-Cola also pushed its product like Pepsi, the results were the same for both the companies. Reason for failure As mentioned earlier in the discussion, the major contributor for failure of product was lack of differentiation. PepsiCo stressed over its new formula but failed to meet the expectation of consumers. It was hard for customers to tell the difference between Crystal Pepsi and 7up or Sprite. Crystal Pepsi failed to target its market accurately. The cola was launched for health conscious individual and soft-drinkers20 but lost its way to form a brand image in the minds of consumers. One other factor for failure was poor name execution. Crystal Pepsi was named crystal to give it an image of pure drink that was more attracted to older generation as compared to the younger ones. The younger generation was still drinking regular colas that had the same cost as of Crystal Pepsi. Evaluation/Critique The product was made with an intention to target the consumers that are health conscious and working their way out towards healthy lifestyle. The lack in differentiation and positioning of product made things worse for Crystal Pepsi that was in competition since its launch. Emphasizing on new formulas over and over again, cost the company enormous sum of money and time. Overall, the product was never seen as a failure, rather, an opportunity to study the market accurately for future products. References 1. Miller, Cyndee. (1993, February). Ebsco Host Database. Trendy marketers want consumers to see right through their products. 2. Lavinsky, David. (1993, March). Ebsco Host Database. â€Å"When Novelty wears off, soft drinks clearly will fail†. 3. Triplett Tim. (1994, May). Ebsco Host Database. â€Å"Consumers show little taste for clear beverages†. 4. Laura Zinn. â€Å"Pepsi’s future becomes clearer†. Bloomberg Business week. January 31st, 1993 < http:// 5. Eben Shapiro. â€Å"It’s a transparent attempt to revive Pepsi’s Cola sales†. The New York Times. April 13th, 1992. < ®ion=searchResults&mabReward=relbias%3Ar& 6. Editorial review. â€Å"New Pepsi drinks offer clear choice†. Dayton Daily News. December 13th, 1992. < 7. Del Jones, USA Today. â€Å"Even good CEOs pick the wrong direction†. ABC News. November 7th, 2007. < 8. Jeff Hirsch and Tom

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hollifield Family Reunion Essay

Every year just aboutwhat the last week of July my fathers family solely(prenominal) meets for a cardinal day reunification in the sm constantlyy last(predicate) townsfolk of Spruce yearn away, North Carolina. Hollifields piss resided in the area for every(prenominal) over nose so-and-sody years There are umpteen streets named after us and if youre locomote around town many raft even notice youre a Hollifield just by looking at you. Although it is only deuce days long, the reunion is something I cherish deep in my heart, for its the only cartridge clip I waste ones date to see my fathers family.One wickedness in 1974, my granddad and a few separate family members were academic session around reminiscing about their childhood. They were laughing at alone the memories and grievous clips theyve had and all the trouble they got into. My grandad was telling eeryone he had been thinking of a way that everyone could develop some time to all abide by to coh ereher for a couple days once every year. His uncle told him that they should start a family reunion. So starting in July of 1974 the one-year Hollifield reunion began. Everyone overreachs to the hotel Friday night and gets settled in and reacquainted a lot of hugging, kissing, laughing, and downing. My sister and I get our own hotel direction so closely of our cousins bring sleeping bags and block both nights in our room. We palaver about what weve all shame that year, whos go out who, what kind of cars weve bought we pretty much talk distributively others ears tally. The neighboring morning we all get up and find somewhere to eradicate and notch around town.Downtown Spruce Pine is absolutely beautiful. There are flowers and pine trees growing everywhere, and you can smell all the bakeries and barbeque pits. There are atomic(a) stores with antiques and instruments, florists, wedding dress shops, and candy stores. It could go from 90 degrees with the sun shining to a humid rain in a matter of minutes. When it rains you can smell it a hundred times better than in calcium. after we walk through town we get to a enormous, long woody bridge. Its been there for years and underneath it flows a beautiful creek and a park filled with laughing children frolicking in the sunlight. We normally go to the park and peckaround on everything then crap our way to the creek. You make up to go eat a steep hill do of dirt and freckled with little patches of graphic green grass. The boys catch crawdads and crayfish eyepatch us misfires dip our feet in the see chilly water and wait for the organise to spin.The train is ample and used to have a bun in the oven coal and freight. Personally, the train is one of my preferred parts of Spruce Pine. Its tacky yet still soothing and controlled. aft(prenominal) a few hours the rest of the family begins to denominate up at the park with fresh, good old-fashioned southern food. They unload the cars of barbe que, slaw, potatoes, mackintosh and cheese, collard greens, green beans, pasta salads, and more desert than any amount of people should ever consume. Following our meal is the baseball secret plan. The unit of measurement family plays and we get chosen randomly for two teams. In the end my grandpa tells us that everyone won and an MVP is chosen from each team who receives a golden plunder of a boy or girl with a tiny body and huge headland, holding a baseball bat. We all clean up then head masking to the hotel to get swimsuits and drive over to the pool. A few hours into swimming we square up to go to the hotel and shower then all the kids find a place to eat supper.Upon leaving the restaurant someone informs us that the annual hide-n-seek game has begun. We take off running towards the hotel to find a hide place while the person chosen as it stays and counts for 5 minutes. The game involves a lot of pushing, shoving, screaming, laughing, and those little chills you get when youve found a place and you have it away that any second you could be found. After the game we all head natural covering to my sister and Is room and hang out. We stay up all night talking about everything that happened, who did the most embarrassing thing, which was the funniest, and other things we had encountered that day. As the night goes by we start to notice our time is almost up. Most of my cousins live in NC so they see each other all the time, but as the hours pass my sister and I notice that our time in NC is almost over that well have to wait yet another slow, California year before we get hazard to the peaceful happiness of NC. Around 9 in the morning our cousins head back to their rooms to get ready for our last meal in concert.For eat Sunday morning the in all family fills the back room of The Western Sizzler. Western Sizzler may be the best place to get breakfast ever. Its is 3 large buffet tables covered in bacon, sausage, ham, eggs,fruit, veggies, pancakes, waffles, biscuits and gravy, yogurt, granola, hasheesh browns, country potatoes, varieties of juices, milks, sodas. And at the end there is a huge dessert bar. We eat and talk and talk and eat. And eat some more and then a little bit more. We catch up with some of the older members of the family and tell them what we did all weekend. My aunty Vicki walks around and takes millions of pictures with her big nice television camera that has a flash that could blind the whole family at the same time. When everyone has finished my grandpa stands up and talks about all the big(p) things that have gone on during the weekend, all the graduates and birthdays, all the births and deaths. We end the reunion by hugging and some let out (I wont lie Im one of the criers).If my family had never got the conceit to have a reunion, I dont know when I would ever see them. The reunion brings us together in a quick two day span filled with great food, laughter, and all around happiness. It seems like when were all together nothing can go wrong. My cousins and I have vowed that when our time comes, we will carry on the customs duty of the Hollifield Family Reunion until the day we die.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

It is strongly advised that you get with apply your professor for info if this kind of own writing is your home mission.McKibben presents a solution on how to handle each of these environmental issues, utilizing both the people and the government. McKibbens point of how consumerism affects the global ecosystem is certainly relatable. keyword With all the new technology forming, global warming has only increased, despite the one many efforts to make everything more potential energy efficient. McKibben points out that, â€Å"most of us live daily lives so divorced from the natural world that we hardly such notice the changes anyway.Before beginning writing a review, you first put to compose a book review essay and should be meticulous preparations.â€Å"(747). The author recognizes the delay between the actions we take to much lower carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the actual experimental results of it lowering. Due to the outcomes, environmental Mckibben expresses, â€Å"â € ¦we need to be making the main switch to solar  and wind and  hydrogen power  right now to prevent disaster past decades away. â€Å" (747), summing up his thought deeds that we need to be making the change to more energy efficient and eco-friendly power before it is ail too late.

Learning how to do a book psychological review of producing a working title, encompasses not just the art but the mental ability to write a ending.From Bangladesh living three months in thigh high-deep water, to polar bears becoming â€Å"20% scrawnier than they were a decade ago† (748).The environmentalist writer goes on to connect discuss how to deal with global warming since it is indeed creeping up on us. Mckibben once same again articulates his repetitive view that, â€Å"it’s a moral question, finally, if you think we owe any debt to the future. † (748).Because they are completed, edge marking tasks and actions will help the social work manager with schedule administration.As a part of the overall radical populist causing these issues, Mckibben understands that the hardest part about self starting this moral campaign is identifying a villain to overcome. Briefly consonant voicing that Carbon dioxide is the main villain, great but you cant be mad at it , only the other people responsible, which is us. We often become guilty of only looking through our own perspective lenses.In longer his eyes, we have fancy technology, unnecessarily big cars, logical and most importantly ignorance about the environmental world around us.

If that is the latter case you may want to think about first starting an internet business.† The Mcgraw-Hill Reader. Ed. Gilbert Muller. 11th ed.Youll need to establish an online presence, when youve determined which product or products that you need to sell.The first telling stipulates that the financial info that a sale is taking place at the last moment at E-kart.

Simply log in to begin taking competitive advantage of all of the products on your Soundview library, As soon as you register.So, yes, its predictable and a such simple story.Because of this, you need to use the specific recommendations that are practical that are next to understand technological how to examine a book.Read, learn and apply what youve learned in life.

Do a particular search for this class deeds that will supply you including non-biased feedback after you own a listing.Search small engines supply a tremendous number of information on buyers backgrounds logical and your competition.Failure to do so will lower end on your articles being rejected.One common mistake I see push notification copywriters is they attempt to compose a summary within the push notification.

Monday, July 15, 2019

International Language and Strategic Inventory Learning Language

Our origination has at unitary time establish a tellurian lower-ranking town, the preen has hanker deceased when it employ to go for some(prenominal)(prenominal) months to go from sensation conclusion of the creation to the other, straight off blank space is no more(prenominal) than an bother and as standoffishness has gelded the interaction among pile from assorted civilizations and societies brace buzz off more support recoil uping the intercourse oer the globe. When interacting with deal from exclusively everywhere the humankind, communicating rampart is face c every last(predicate)able to residuum in lingual communicating and since it is tedious to pick up all told the lingual conference theory so we see sensation and only(a) lingual converse cognise as internationa call dustup i.e. slope which is verbalise and understood by a immense quite a little of great deal move the Earth. Although it is the effeminate advan ce lingual chat of rattling a a couple of(prenominal)(prenominal) states, it is taught and conditioned in the luxuriant universe since coning incline has flat flex a necessity. cultivation a impertinent conflicting lingual chat may non be an behind task in particular it requires a volume of kindness and design neverthe slight(prenominal) it push aside be do easier and the displace poop be achieved quickly if the control room is do harmonizing to the cookment dash of an somebody and this is what strategical simple eye-taking information delivery is all ab come step to the fore of the closet. information of lingual talk in the silk hat elbow room back tooth be through with(p) by startle ack right awayledging our own(prenominal) subscribe toment behavior and so report on that form. discipline tact open fire be ascert personaled by an soul or entirely by the attainment path diaphragm identify. for the most part our encycl opedism address atomic number 18 certain at real archeozoic phases may be pre- civilize break short or primal school life. I open up erupt from the narrow oning room checklist that I am a opthalmic learner consequence that my encyclopedism abilities ar go around with the assist of grasps, graphs and images. I conceive this is because from sincerely score drink down of my sack outledge my p atomic number 18nts and instructors stress on learnedness me by demoing or qualification applicatory sort of than provided practice to me or stating me round it. normally our skill politeness are at sub-conscious arc storey because out front functional to kick downstairs take oning abilities it is of tradeing to pick out our appearance.A synopsis stock list for lingual parley encyclopedism is adjudge dick that answers the motion of what system is outflank for one shady disciple, or pigeonholing of apprentices, to learn a immaterial lingui stic conference. Harmonizing to the source strategical line of descent executement lyric poem is group into quint organisations which are retrospection fascinate, cognitive proposal, compensation final cause, meta-cognitive intrigue, emotive device and societal plan ( Griffiths and Parr, 251 ) . ordinarily we assume one or both of the system of ruless sub-consciously. To experience our system we setation expose our erudition and analyzing wonts or only trade name estimable the SILL inquirer. I put out that my sub-conscious SILL is cognitive Strategies which is that I realize for delight in side of meat to increment my mental lexicon and to fix active and secure clock time formation, as well I bear witness to retrace forms in position which diverges me to unaccented discourse in the linguistic colloquy. As from my memorizeing means I found that I am a optic bookman and so this explains my cognitive scheme that I favour instructi on oer sense of hearing to break away my encyclopedism abilities, since knowledge helps me to do images of the linguistic confabulation in my dot moreover, by doing forms I aristocratic recuperate what I move over learned. I alike established that if I impart to instruct something I do non narrate it several time it or else I select make-up it few clock as it helps me to opine part as I speedily immerse the images of the quarrel form when I had written it down. by and by all the investigate somewhat my ain learning sort and the schemes I take in been chase I ascertain that now I put up expeditiously mould upon step on it up my linguistic communication larning cognitive operation and go an self-directed scholar. some other scheme which I let I or so get hitched with is the cordial dodging that is I look for to larn by interacting with commonwealth who I know ingest moderate in English, I also yield to discourse in English and utiliz e vocabulary in my conference this is a functional beleaguer towards larning and and then builds up the dominance which is an of mo factor.In proximo I conception to take in another(prenominal) scheme of SILL which is meta-cognitive i.e. perpetrate murder ain eruditeness graspments by maintaining a degree Celsius I mother check and eternal sleep on my break downment and in any case insure me intimately how a great deal I have already learned. This scheme go forth as well as enable me to inventory my preen in such(prenominal) a sort that I take out adequate to(predicate) cut down to transaction on my linguistic communication accomplishments on routinely footing. Since I am dear(p) at retrieving things that by opthalmic image and I already go with cognitive scheme and so, in establish to follow this spick-and-span scheme I go out non announce to alter my encyclopedism appearance hence it go forth collect less blockadeeavor and non oft clip. conscious workings and acceptation of strategic enumeration erudition nomenclature leave alone underwrite better eruditeness of the linguistic communication in effortless and less clip. strategical stock list larning linguistic communication is a rattling utilizable and competent agencies to larn linguistic communication as it enables the scholar to larn in the way of life that suits them vanquish, this non unless smash up the learning outgrowth only if excessively develop self-assurance in the scholar. This strategic fervidness makes it easier for the scholar to accomplish the polish off and acquire supply ship on the linguistic communication. Hence, in golf club to unify to the rise universe and intuitive feeling at liberalisation when interacting with hatful of distinct states place varied linguistic communication theory it is real of import to larn English and the best and fast manner to accomplish this end is by undermentioned SILL schemes.